All leaders should have a coach
by Eve and Eli
We have been asked to many times “do you think I should take a coach”… any time someone asks this question, without needing further explanation, the answer is YES, not because we will do more business it is just because if you’re asking the question, you are deeply and sometimes not consciously needing help.
We’ve decided to list all the powerful reasons why you should take a coach… Maybe you find one (or more!) which sounds a (big) bell:
- Combat Executive Isolation: As you climb the corporate ladder, feelings of isolation and loneliness can increase due to the unique stress and responsibility. An executive coach not only addresses specific issues but also helps mitigate these feelings by connecting you with others who share similar experiences.
- Build Thought Leadership: An executive coach can guide you in shaping your personal brand. They help you decide how to present yourself on platforms like LinkedIn, identify conferences to speak at and develop strategies to enhance your online presence.
- Refine Executive Presence: Improve your communication skills and influencing abilities. Coaches assist with presentations, one-on-one meetings, and team interactions, allowing you to elevate your executive presence1.
- Operate in Your Zone of Genius: Contrary to the misconception that coaches only focus on weaknesses, they also help you identify and leverage your strengths. By emphasizing your fabulousness, you can excel in your leadership role.
- Holistic Development: An executive coach takes a comprehensive approach to your growth. They focus not only on professional skills but also on personal development. By addressing both, you become a more well-rounded leader.
- Strategic Thinking: Coaches encourage strategic thinking. They help you step back, analyze situations, and make informed decisions. This skill is crucial for navigating complex business landscapes.
- Emotional Intelligence: Effective leadership requires emotional intelligence. Coaches guide you in understanding your emotions, managing stress, and building strong relationships with your team.
- Accountability and Goal Setting: Coaches hold you accountable for your goals. They help you set clear objectives, track progress, and adjust strategies as needed.
- Conflict Resolution: Leaders often face conflicts. Coaches equip you with conflict resolution techniques, ensuring a harmonious work environment.
- Adaptability: In today’s dynamic world, adaptability is key. Coaches help you embrace change, learn from failures, and stay agile.
Remember, investing in an executive coach isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a commitment to continuous improvement and exceptional leadership!
Here a question to you - When do you start???
More to come from INSIGHTS FROM THE LEADERSHIP PLANET by Eve and Eli
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eq strategisk kompetensutveckling kreativa möten remot management misslyckande platsannonser fira segrar nystart ledningsgrupp executive coaching kundfokus middle management ledare energi feedback people management arbetstagare search emotionalintelligence mötesstruktur arbeta under press självförtroende learning medarbetare målstyrning resiliens värdegrund stress onboarding autentiskt ledarskap svagheter millenials arbete kompassriktning distansledarskap holakrati hantera hinder konflikt openness lycka lyssnande vacation växande self regard incitament arbetsgivare nyckelkompetenser livsintentioner motivationsfaktorer megatrender arbetssätt employer branding kompetensutveckling seminarier framtid rädsla karriärhinder lärande change management det goda ledarskapet goda samtal nätverka samtal självledarskap personliga egenskaper karriärmål kravprofil osäkerhet strengthsfinder effektiva möten styrkor mål outplacement personlig utveckling personligt ledarskap coaching ledarskap rekrytering karriärutveckling ledarutveckling grupputveckling förändring motivation assessment karriärplanering engagemang karriär karriärcoaching söka jobb team leadership beslutsfällor balans fatta beslut talanger att leda andra mentoring mod referenser talent management modiga ledare busyholic leda på distans ledaregenskaper inspiration tystnad åldersdiskriminering linkedin 50+ skjuta upp pandemi självdisciplin förändringsledning unbossing nätverk utveckla medarbetare beteendestilar vara nöjd platta organisationer fantastiska ledaare kunskapsöverföring headhunting arbetsliv aspects of change johari fönster prokrastinera distansarbete litteratur brain vacation leadership development introvert risk och kontroll rättvisa tid lyckoindex ledarskapet change drömjobb chef trust re-charging värdeord framgång semester delegera extrovert emotional intelligence tvivel go with the flow vägval reflektera sätta mål trygghet