Origins of the millenials skills
Insights from the leadership planet by Eve and Eli
As we were searching some information on Patience, we found two interesting videos on Millenials. Not the less interesting thinkers, by the way: Jordan Pederson and Simon Sinek!
Pederson gives a very clear idea of why we have the sensation our kids have different skills than ours. Basically, we seem to be overprotective parents. We want to ensure the full safety of our kids, we tell them they are unique and they can have anything in life. And in fact, in some areas of our life, it can be right: if they want a black t-shirt with red stars NOW to get out tonight, they can get it! But with feelings and all non-tangible things, it is another story, life is much more complicated. That’s why we create future adults less patient with low resistance to frustration.
Sinek completes the nurturing parenting origin with other reasons. Technology creates a lot of damages: the dopamine that comes from social networks is really addictive and it interferes in the teenagers’ development. When there is an excess of it, it creates a gap between what the virtual world tells them (“fantastic happy lives”, “successful stories without efforts”, “excellent good looking”…) and what reality is. Added to that, social networks are invading their home. They are where they are, connected to their hand, with a constant stream, giving no time for a break, to reconnect to reality or deal with stress if there is. In fact, social networks which aim could have been to facilitate connections are creating more connections in numbers but more superficial ones. It leads to a sense of loneliness and to less deep meaningful relationship, exactly the opposite of its original objective.
Long term relationships, Stress management and Patience are probably the key skills to develop for Millenials.
So how to support them then? rewarding effort, not giving them what they want instantly, opening dialogue and pushing them to do activities with other people where technology is not needed … but most important: lead by example!
What are you doing to lead by example?
Read about change, next from Insights from the leadership planet by Eve and Eli
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